Isabel's dream. A nice story for one of our nicest rooms

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Isabel's dream. A nice story for one of our nicest rooms

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El Sueño de Isabel (Isabel`s dream) is one of the nicest passages of Atlantis where Queen Isabella has a vision in which a bird picks her ring from her hand and throws it to the sea where an island emerges from. This island symbolizes the American continent.

Atlántida (Atlantis) is an opera by Manuel de Falla (a famous Spanish composer) based on a Spanish translation of the Catalan poem L'Atlàntida by Jacint Verdaguer. Atlántida started in the 1920s as a cantata, but grew over 20 years to become a full opera. 
Manuel de Falla died in Argentina before it was finished, leaving a loose collection of sketches. The long work of editing and completion was undertaken by Ernesto Halffter. When finally completed the opera appeared at La Scala, Milan, 1962, then in Berlin and Buenos Aires, and America conducted by Ernest Ansermet. The opera has three major singing roles: the narrator Corifeo (baritone) an old man who tells Colombus of the sinking of Atlantis, Queen Pyrene (mezzo), and Queen Isabella (soprano) who this room is dedicated to.