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Exploring Andalucía’s Golden Triangle

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If you don’t know where to start when planning a trip to Andalucía, why not visit the Golden Triangle of Granada, Seville and Córdoba and take in the stunning Sierra Nevada Mountains and the beautiful coastline along the way.

New Year's eve in Granada

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The Twelve Grapes to the chimes of the Clock at midnight on New Years Eve has been a Spanish tradition since 1909. In December that year, some vinegrowers from the Alicante area came up with "The 12 Grapes" as an idea to sell huge amounts of grapes from an excellent harvest.

Corpus Christi in Granada

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In June, Granada celebrates the Fest of Corpus Christi. The two major days are Wednesday with the procession of "La Tarasca" and Thursday, with the procession of Corpus Christi. Although Corpus Christi is celebrated in many parts of Spain, in Granada, it joins the annual fair. During a week there are many events in the city: processions, bullfighting, activities for children.

Christmas time in Granada

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If you're expecting Christmas in Andalucia to be somewhat like it is back home, you're in for a surprise. Everything from the beginning to the end of the season is going to be different from anything you've ever experienced before.