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Exploring Andalucía’s Golden Triangle

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If you don’t know where to start when planning a trip to Andalucía, why not visit the Golden Triangle of Granada, Seville and Córdoba and take in the stunning Sierra Nevada Mountains and the beautiful coastline along the way.

Wedding in Granada: marry us!!

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There is no doubt that Granada is a beautiful city so we are not surprised that many couples decide to get married here. On one hand we can found couples in which one or two of them were born in Granada and live here or away. In this case, despite the fact that a great part of the family and friends have to travel, look for accommodation and buy expensive flights tickets because they must travel on a specific date, we can assure that getting married in Granada is worth it.

Generalife Suite

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The trip to Granada of the writer from Huelva Juan Ramon Jimenez with his wife Zenobia arose from his friendship with Federico Garcia Lorca and it supposed a deep experience that it would reflect on his Literature.

Isabel's dream. A nice story for one of our nicest rooms

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El Sueño de Isabel (Isabel`s dream) is one of the nicest passages of Atlantis where Queen Isabella has a vision in which a bird picks her ring from her hand and throws it to the sea where an island emerges from. This island symbolizes the American continent.

Standard room "La Jitana Prendida por el Sol"

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"Mahoma, Boabdil, Falla, Federico, ¿y la jitanilla? ¿Dónde está la jitanilla sola? La rosa de los ecos de los vientos de poniente oyendo lo que no he dicho de voz, dice con ecos de matices, silbidos y penumbras ya: "Se habrá perdido en el sol, dido en el sol, ido en el sol, en el sol, sol".